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Fact-Checking Policy

  1. Commitment to Accuracy and Integrity:
    • is committed to publishing accurate and reliable information across all content to maintain the trust of our audience.
  2. Verification Process:
    • All claims, information, and sources will be thoroughly investigated, verified, and corroborated before publication.
    • Independent verification will be sought, especially for claims made by public officials or sources with potential biases.
  3. Avoiding Plagiarism and Distortion:
    • We strictly prohibit plagiarism, deliberate distortion of facts, or misrepresentation of context, including visual information.
    • Originality and accuracy are paramount in our content creation process.
  4. Correction and Transparency:
    • In the event of errors, inaccuracies, or misleading information, will promptly correct the content and maintain transparency with our audience.
    • Corrections will be clearly indicated in the content, with an editor’s note explaining the error and correction made.
  5. Reader Engagement:
    • We provide a platform for readers to report inaccuracies or errors through a designated ‘Suggest A Correction’ section on our website.
    • Readers are encouraged to contact the editor-in-chief directly with correction requests for timely resolution.
  6. Correction Process:
    • Corrections will be issued across all platforms where the incorrect information was disseminated, including print, website, and social media.
    • Corrections in print will be prominently displayed in the next issue, online articles will be updated with an editor’s note, and social media posts will be amended with a link to the corrected content.
  7. Responsibility and Accountability:
    • The editor-in-chief will oversee the investigation and correction process, ensuring that errors are rectified promptly and transparently.
    • takes responsibility for maintaining accuracy, correcting errors, and upholding the trust of our audience.
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